Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Slacker slacker... xD

I sincerely apologize blogger world, I've been slacking when it comes to blogging. But I promise I will fill you in on what's been happening in my crazy life :) 

Friday: school was blahhh, until I got to Physics class. While we were working on velocity worksheets my phone rang... it was the gym, where I had put in my resume for a job :) they wanted to set up an interview! :D I was so excited! So I ran there after school and set it up then went to work out.
With a huge smile on my face I went to my friend Megan's house with Samara and Sara and we hung out watching movies and playing rock band :) It was an awesome night! The next day I went and got my haircut and went shopping with my Momma. 
Sunday was my out and about day we had a huge meeting a few hours away that took up the whole day. But it was SO much fun!
Monday was blahhhh... I woke up at 3 am and COULD NOT for the life of me fall back asleep, making it be a really stinky day. 


TODAY WAS AMAZING! First block, we were supposed to have a quiz but instead my teacher let us watch a movie :) Second block, our costume project that was supposed to be due today has been moved to next week when we get back from Turkey Day Break! Third block is my study hall and I just kinda screwed off xD Fourth block was my physics test which I'm hoping went alright. THENNNN.. I went and spent some time with my favorite teacher before my interview. I was so nervous but he calmed me down, he's such a great person. He's the person I talk to about a lot of things :) And even though he's a butt head sometimes I really will miss him next year when I go away to college.

Then I walked to my interview in the pouring rain, good thing they already know me or else me walking in soaked would have made for a bad impression. xD I'm not super ultra confident that i got the job that I hope I did. He asked me a bunch of questions and I answered, he kept saying "Good Answer" so I'm hoping something good will come of it. If not, just gotta keep looking. :)

Now all there is left to do is visit my Daddy and pack for my trip to Andrew's tomorrow :D

I've never been so excited in my LIFE! I've missed him so much I've been going nuts! All I want is a hug :) and tomorrow.... LESS THAN 24 HOURS I will get my hug! 

I promise I won't slack off as much as I have been, blogger world. Life's been kinda hectic lately and I have to take care of that before I blog. But I BACK! I may or may not blog tomorrow, but we'll have to wait and see :)

Well I am off to visit my Daddy :) TTFN! Ta-ta- for- now! :D  

"Here is a little song I wrote 

You might want to sing it note for note 
Don't worry be happy 
In every life we have some trouble 
When you worry you make it double, don't worry be happy "
~Bobby McFerrin

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hello My Dear Blog!

I'm going to copy what my dearest "Blog of Pogg". He does this thingy called "Thirsty Thursday" where he tells you 20 random facts about himself. I'm only copying this because I'm too tired to write out a full blog. xD Sorry to those who actually read this ... Let's call it :

"Tacky Thursday" ;D
Here we go....

1. I'm listening to 92 Moose
2. Now I am watching Community xD
3. I have a speaker system in my bathroom so I can listen to music in the morning while I'm in the shower.
4. Pink is my favorite color
5. My bedroom wall is covered in pictures
6. I have a vase of roses on my nightstand from Andrew :)
7. I love Math
8. Physics is my favorite class
9. I have a history test tomorrow
10. Milk Duds are my favorite candy
11. Andrew Pogg is amazing
12. I have dog named Tasha
13. I have a cat named Seymour
14. I make a mean chocolate peanut butter cake 
15. My friends and I doing the Evolution of dance for class night
16. My rug is pink
17. I can run 4 miles and NOT die
18. I am so excited for next week (But I'm sure y'all already knew that ;)
19. My cat just fell off my bed xD
20. I have really fuzzy pajama pants on :D

Well that's it for today blogger world. I'll give you a recap of my days tomorrow :) 

One last thing before I go...


"You know when you're in love when you can't fall asleep at night because reality is finally better then your dreams"

I love you 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Average Wednesday :)


Today was an okay day... went to school had history, costume and make-up design, study hall then physics. Nothing too special. :) Laughs and smiles were about the halls because its WEDNSDAY!! Only two days left until the weekend.

One funny thing that I will mention, because Sara reads my blog... Is a little dialog between us this morning: (Enjoy)
Sara: Have you ever had partridge before?
Me: No
Sara: It tastes like chicken
Me: Wait... was it in a pear tree?
Sara: No.. it was...
Study hall, silly enough to make even the crankiest person smile :)

I'm pretty excited about this weekend, I get to go hang with my best friends Friday night and Saturday :) We're gonna play Rock-Band! I'm-a tell you something blogger world... I am NOT coordinated enough to play Rock-Band xD At ALL! Annnnnnnnnndddddddddddd! We're gonna work on our class night routine. :) We are going to do our own rendition of the "EVOLUTION OF DANCE" (Imagine that with an epic announcer voice). I can't wait! We get to get up on stage and make absolute fools of ourselves, the next day we'll be graduating anyways so who cares!?! 

Well, I think that's all for today blogger world... Nothing super exciting, just gonna go make some no-bake cookies for people. :) I feel the need to bake. 

7 More Days Until I get to see Andrew :D

Farewell Blogger World, we shall meet again tomorrow. Have a good night all! Keep on smilin' :)

"Friends are the cookies in the supper bowl of life" :) 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Case of the Giggles... It's a VERY serious thing!

Today was probably the funniest and best day of school EVER! The day started out slow and boring as usual but as it went along it became SO SO SO! much better! Beginning with my second block class. Now today is my friends birthday so I made cookies and my super amazing teacher brought doughnuts :) We sat for a while drawing people an working on our color wheels (no it's not an art class either) then we all worked on separating fabrics into their respective colors. It may sound boring but it really was fun. Everyone gets along so well we all can just laugh and have a good time together :)

Third block, which is my study hall, came along... My friends and I go to one of our favorite teacher's room for our 80 minute study hall, but today we found out that his wife finally had her baby! After much discussion with him about baby names, he took our suggestion and named him ANDREW! :D 

Then later on my friend Samara went on a search for the missing fro- fish. Hanging up "HAVE YOU SEEN THIS FISH" posters all about the school. Somebody stole one of the biology teachers fish... A FISH... Who steals a fish? I mean really! All I could imagine was seeing was a student running through the halls like a ninja with a fish in their hands. It can't be did, as my math teacher always used to say! 

After fits of laughter in study hall, talking about Dr. Quinn, which is a television show I've NEVER heard of and Mellen's laughing until she snorts... here I am. I don't really have a ton to ramble on about like I did yesterday, and TRUST ME! I am a-ok with that :)Tomorrow's always a new day.. more college applications, scholarship applications, homework, laughter and love :)  On the plus side it's "hump day" only two more days after tomorrow! 


Haha, I hope you don't mind blogger world but I am using this as my personal countdown :)

Goodnight Blogger.com :) I shall see you tomorrow! :)

"The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on." - Robert Bloch

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday, Monday, Monday...

Well... today could have been THE absolute worst day of my life. I woke up thinking "Oh! Today will be WONDERFUL!" .. boy was I wrong. I woke up with an awful headache but luckily my Mom let me sleep in for a bit. I got to school and checked in with the attendance office. There was a stack of packets for ordering our senior cap and gowns. I had all I could do not to cry. Graduation is so far away and yet so close. I can already see all of my class mates marching down the football field, and the worst part is we'll probably never see each other again. :(  
I can't decide whether or not I'm ready to graduate yet... there are so many unknowns out there, but that's just part of growing up I guess. Gotta take things one step at a time... 

School just had this overall grumpy factor to it.. people in the halls were exceeding rude and disrespectful... and not just the Monday blues either. And I'll admit, I was one of the grumpy people, but I didn't lash out like the others did, I just sat there quietly waiting for the bell to make it's final ring. Today just wasn't the better of days for anyone by the looks of it... but what can ya do but keep moving forward, right? :) 

... Now I'm feeling kinda opinionated today, so please just bare with me..
We've all had relationships that weren't the best they could have been, ended badly, along those lines. But don't you think that when your former partner is extremely happy with another person, you would respect that. For instance, one of my boyfriends broke up with me a few days before our one year anniversary. I was devastated, but I said ok and let him go because I knew it was probably best for both of us. A week later he was dating another girl, and I was really hurting, but I said alright and moved on myself and a few weeks later Andrew came into my life and I couldn't be happier. :) But when someone says they're not happy being with you anymore, you would respect that, because if only you're happy then it makes for a terrible future for the both of you. This is never the case of course! I get harassed by ex girlfriends saying "You took him from me!" no... you were too stupid to let him go! "I don't like you!" Okee, I've never met you so how you can make that judgement I'm not quite sure... It's frustrating as the significant other because you're the happiest you've ever been but then you have this girls (In my case) nipping at my ankles like a bunch of frickin' Chihuahuas! I've seriously had my fill of people like you for a VERY long time, he's happy, I'm happy, let us BE happy!  

There! You don't understand blogger world how much better that makes me feel xD It's all this built up frustration with today coming out in a harmless, healthy manner. :) 
9 more days until I get to see Andrew :) For real!

Andrew is so good to me, even when I'm so down like I have been today he always manages to make me feel better. Even if it's just Skyping with him for a minute to see his smile. He's always there to help me make it through the day. :)

Well Blogger World, I'm off to make cookies for my friends birthday tomorrow! :) I hope you're all having a wonderful day and remember...

                   Keep Smiling! :)

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present.”

B. Olatunji

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Computers and Vampires, oh my!

Well blogger world, you have tricked me into coming back yet again! Lemme tell you about yesterdays events which weren't all that exciting but they're worth writing about...

After writing my blog I went and finished my sister's birthday cake, and lemme tell you.. IT WAS CUUUUUUTE! I'm no professional that's for sure but it did take me an hour and 45 minutes to frost and decorate it. As seen to your internet left  :) It's not perfect but it sure was yummy, and that's all that matters. :)

Then my sister, boyfriend and I went out driving and taking pictures. My sister is taking a photography class at school, her assignment was to take pictures of water... and me ;) She's actually a phenomenal photographer. That's my big sisa! :)

We drove around to a few parks and took pictures for a couple of hours then went to wally- world (Andrew's favorite place xD )  I got her birthday present, a vampire book. NOW... everyone one is subject to their own opinion, but VAMPIRES!?! I mean they're awesome in movies and depending on the author they're usually quite good in books. But to fantasize about them? Really?! If they kiss you, you DIE! That's wonderful... it's like a you look but you can't touch kinda thing. xD 

After dinner at my grandparents I came home and sat in front of my computer and started typing my 50's pop culture paper. Now 2 hours pass with Marilyn Monroe and Elvis and a message pops up on my computer saying "YOU FAIL! We're gonna exit out of Microsoft Word now! Muhahahaha!" 
      ... Weeeeeeeeell maybe not quite like that, but it was sure close in my book! 6 pages of research and effort GONEZO! I threw my hands up in the air (no I didn't say "A-yo gotta let go" either) grumbled walked out in the kitchen got a glass of water, went back into my room shut down my computer then sat on my bed. 

I was FURIOUS! I had saved and saved and SAVED and still Word never fails me and loses that ENTIRE document. 

Thus I must begin again.... But other than that it was a great day :) I think that's enough for today Blogger World :) More of my nonsense tomorrow when I get home from school... OH school... how you make life interesting... and a pain in the rear! 

So long my fellow Blog-ites! :D

"Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect, it means that you've decided to look beyond life's imperfections" 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I have returned!

Well Blogger world, I'm back! :) I have to admit it kinda nice to write down all this stuff, even if no one reads it. 

I guess I'll tell you about last night :) Last night was certainly interesting. I got to see all of my friends and hang out with my bestie Sam. But something just didn't feel right, like there was some sort of tension. But what can ya do? After the hour car ride there and back I curled up in my bed and talked to the love of my life. And to be quite honest I was so tired I don't remember half of our conversation. Take this morning for instance, I was checking my messages and apparently I texted him "DON'T KILL ME". Now there's one thing I need to make VERY clear, Andrew would never hurt a fly, let alone a person. After a while of thinking I figured out that I was quoting my favorite movie and musical... 

I know its silly but it is on my favorites list... like Little Shop of Horrors, Grease, ya know. The usuals. :) 

.... I love how when I searched for Legally Blonde I get pictures of random blonde people... not the actual movie. xD Gotta love the internet. :) 

Anywhos... I get home last night and my sister and her boyfriend are home from college for the weekend to celebrate her birthday :) Which reminds me I gotta go finish her birthday cake. Yummy Chocolate with Peanut Butter Frosting. :D Yumm-o! I should probably go do that before I forget again. But before I go I'm very excited and I have to tell EVERYONE, even if they don't care... 

Thanksgiving this year will be spent with the love of my life and his AMAZING family! I'm so excited I can't see straight!

I don't want to sound pathetic but I haven't seen Andrew in a week, I know ... "OH NOOOOOO! Whatever will you do, you poor poor baby!" =P But he lives 3 states away, and a week for me is like an eternity without him.  I just love him so much, he's the other half of my heart. :) I know you don't know I have a blog yet, but I love you. :)

Now with a big smile on my face I will say farewell Blogger world, for now :)

"And here I am just waiting for this storm to pass me by. And that's the Sound of Sunshine... comin' down!" :)

Inspirational Words of ~Michael Franti 

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Stupidest Blog You'll Ever Read... Intro!

I'm not one for blubbering my feelings out into the open but I thought "Hey, what the heck!" I can't guarantee I'll "blog" that much, who knows this may end up being a one shot deal! Let's get this baby started, hmm... what first?


BLOG... who even came up with that word? B-loooo-ggggg. What does it even mean? Let's turn to our pal urbandictionary.com!

"n. Short for weblog. A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" and "I slept until noon today." v. intr. The act of posting to a weblog." --- Haha, sounds about right! But I'm not one to judge. I got a Twitter, and I swore to myself I never would but I did. What is this world coming to!?!?! :O

Well I think that's enough of my silly blabbering for a bit. :) Lemme tell you fellow bloggers a little about myself...

I LOVE BAKING. I LOVE my family. I LOVE my boyfriend Andrew, who actually inspired me to get a Blog, he just doesn't know it yet ;D I've failed my drivers test twice. I'm a type A perfectionist.( see how those two don't mix well?? ) I had a stroke when I was 8 and I always try to have positive attitude about life.  I have a kitty and doggy and they are my babies. I plan on being with Andrew for the rest of my life, and opening up a Bakery and Floral Shop with him someday. Theater is a way of life. I got to meet Michael Franti and sing with him. And I'm a math nerd... 

I think that's enough for the first blog... I think. How long are these things supposed to be anyways? Hmmm.... so many questions to be answered, SO LITTLE TIME! Hahaha :)

Good- Day Blogger World :)

"To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world" :)