Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Case of the Giggles... It's a VERY serious thing!

Today was probably the funniest and best day of school EVER! The day started out slow and boring as usual but as it went along it became SO SO SO! much better! Beginning with my second block class. Now today is my friends birthday so I made cookies and my super amazing teacher brought doughnuts :) We sat for a while drawing people an working on our color wheels (no it's not an art class either) then we all worked on separating fabrics into their respective colors. It may sound boring but it really was fun. Everyone gets along so well we all can just laugh and have a good time together :)

Third block, which is my study hall, came along... My friends and I go to one of our favorite teacher's room for our 80 minute study hall, but today we found out that his wife finally had her baby! After much discussion with him about baby names, he took our suggestion and named him ANDREW! :D 

Then later on my friend Samara went on a search for the missing fro- fish. Hanging up "HAVE YOU SEEN THIS FISH" posters all about the school. Somebody stole one of the biology teachers fish... A FISH... Who steals a fish? I mean really! All I could imagine was seeing was a student running through the halls like a ninja with a fish in their hands. It can't be did, as my math teacher always used to say! 

After fits of laughter in study hall, talking about Dr. Quinn, which is a television show I've NEVER heard of and Mellen's laughing until she snorts... here I am. I don't really have a ton to ramble on about like I did yesterday, and TRUST ME! I am a-ok with that :)Tomorrow's always a new day.. more college applications, scholarship applications, homework, laughter and love :)  On the plus side it's "hump day" only two more days after tomorrow! 


Haha, I hope you don't mind blogger world but I am using this as my personal countdown :)

Goodnight Blogger.com :) I shall see you tomorrow! :)

"The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on." - Robert Bloch

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